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Wednesday 21 December 2016

Instagram Story Rolls out Its Own Rendition of Snapchat's Geofilters

Increasing the competitive nature. 

Instagram Stories Geofilters Snapchat 
It was only a matter of time before another update would place Instagram’s Story feature on a new level. This time around, IG will be incorporating its own iteration of Snapchat’s Geofilters. Included in the selection of graphics and texts are time, temperature and location, which will surely spice up your stories and users will also notice holiday-themed stickers. The limit on how much text you can have in an image has finally been lifted and a hands-free mode enabling you to record without holding onto your screen has been integrated. Lastly, stories are saved to your device as a single video rather than a continuous selection of video clips.

Do you think Snapchat will soon be a thing of the past? Let us know below.

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